Are you a young business startup? Need some direction?

You will gain entrepreneurial skills and techniques that will improve your venture’s chances of success. Learn both hard and soft skills, and the technology that is needed to build a local, national, and global business. Statics confirms that women in personal initiative training saw approximately forty per cent rise in their profits as compared to an insignificant five per cent rise in the traditional business training, which affirms that personal initiative training is empowering for women. OGWBA personal initiative training will help women to develop a mindset with attributes that are often assumed to be innate in entrepreneurs. Learn from OGWBA faculty what is needed to launch a successful business and thrive in the 21st Century and beyond. Our classes are both online and in-person covering the following topics:
1. How to create a successful business model
2. Organizational Skills and Time Management
3. Financial Accountability, “Know Your Numbers”
4. Harnessing resources and fundraising
5. The role of the founder, building effective partnerships
6. Marketing, personal selling, and customer acquisition
7. Pitching to investors